Thursday, January 24, 2019

Story Time

It has been some years since I went to story time at the library, but I had Cora and Kal this morning, and thought they might like it.  My kids always did.  Cora is old enough to go into the big kids story time; she went through the secret passageway door and I didn't see her for 30 minutes.  Kal and I sat down in the story circle, received a letter P, and began to participate.  Sort of.  Kal was interested as long as there was singing going on, but in between songs, he was antsy.  He didn't want to sit with me, he wasn't engaged with the story tellers, and he wanted to investigate the large screen they had set up in the front.  We made it through maybe ten minutes before he squirmed away from me, walked away from the story circle, and looked to me to see if I would follow him.

I did.

He trotted around shelves, went over into the adult section, sat on a chair, went upstairs to the "quiet study area," and was taken quickly back downstairs as he doesn't do "quiet" very well yet.  He was much more content to wander than to sit and watch a story or puppet show. 

Cora had a marvelous time.  When I asked her how it was, she said, "I had pun!"  She got a coloring sheet with P words on it, and colored the whole paper when we got home.  I will probably take them to story time again.  Maybe Kal will sit for twelve minutes.

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