Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Rare Bookstore Tour

This evening, the young men and young women went on a tour of Moon's Rare Bookstore, a shop in Riverwoods that specializes in all sort of interesting things.  Brandt came home, full of news about all the books and artifacts they saw.

Here are some of the things he was most struck by, in his own words.

1. The ring that ruled them all.  They had the actual ring from The Lord of the Rings movies.  We could touch it, but not take pictures. (This picture is off their Instagram.)

2. Draco Malfoys and Luna Lovegood's cloaks from Harry Potter. 

Another one was the smallest Bible ever.  It could fit in a locket.  Plus, there were other tiny Bibles that had 100 lines per inch.  You'd have to read them with a magnifying glass.  (Just as a side note, when I went to get pictures of these things, I learned that the books are not Bibles, but the Lord's prayer in seven different languages.)

This might have been where Brandt got confused.
The tiny, tiny book on the left, 
but the New Testament on the right.
Not the whole Bible, but still.
Lots of text scrunched between those covers.

They had a prototype of Indiana Jones' hat and whip.  Harrison Ford did wear them, but not in the movies.

They had a ticket to the Titanic.  And a plate, too. 

They had a Three Musketeers outfit.

I went to a baby shower this evening.  Brandt was so excited about the things he saw, he couldn't wait for me to get home, but called to tell me all about it.  I love that enthusiasm.  We may have to take a wander through the shop, just to ogle the goods. 

Here is Brandt holding NOT the smallest Bible ever.
Just the opposite.
It's one of the biggest Bibles in the world.

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