Saturday, September 7, 2019

Moving and Swimming

This morning, Kent, Brandt, and I helped our neighbors, the Paulus family, move across town.  They have lived in a small, dark basement apartment for almost seven years, but are now moving up in the world.  Literally.  From the basement, they are transitioning to a third floor apartment.  They have needed a great deal of help preparing for their move, and over the course of the past three weeks or so, many ward members have helped pack and schlep boxes out of the house.  Their next door neighbor has had space in his garage where the boxes have been stored in order to give them more space to work in the apartment, so lots of the hauling out of the basement had already happened.  But there was still lots of do in the basement, and lots to do in getting it out of the truck and into the new place. 

While it had the potential to be an all day project, we got the truck loaded in an hour, and in spite of having to haul everything up three flights of stairs, we got the truck unloaded in an hour, too.  We passed boxes and belongings up the stairs bucket brigade style, so no one was walking up all three flights every time.  That saved on the wear and tear of our joints.  When we placed the last bit into the apartment, we all gave a little cheer and wished them well in getting settled in.  It was a good crew of good people willing to help ease a transition.

Back row: Charles Helquist, Joseph Lindberg, Rian Robison, Ken Dudley, Dennis Baird, 
Dennis Lindberg, Kent, Jeff and Barbara Niven, Brandt, Paul and Kathy Mackay, Chris Jensen
I think Jonathan Paulus got cut off on that side
Down low: Lynn Paulus, Rebecca Jensen, me
A fine and mighty moving crew

Moving is a dirty business.

I think Kent and Ken carried this set of drawers up all three flights of stairs.
Big strong man! Big strong man! Lifts heavy things just 'cuz he can!

Then, because it is still warm, we went and swam.  Lyla asked me very specifically if I would bring the underwater camera so we could take pictures, so I did and we did.  Lots of underwater pictures, some of them pretty good.  Here are a smattering.

Chubby legs!

Top one without Blythe
Bottom one with

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