Monday, September 2, 2019

Labor Day

Labor Day sort of marks the end of summer.  The kids have been in school for two weeks, we have no other days off of school until the middle of October when we've fall break, the snow cone stands will be closing soon, and all the students are back in town making driving a headache. 

But I'm not ready to have summer end!  It's still hot, I still want to play, I still want to bask in the sun and work on my tan, I still want to bike outside.  So today I did all of these things.  We gathered with the DeMartinis at South Fork Park for breakfast in the canyon.  We weren't meeting until 9:30, so I left the house on my bike just after 8:00 and biked all the way to the top of South Fork.  I came down the canyon and stopped at the park just as everyone else was arriving, except Mom who had been there for a while setting up, and who I hailed as I biked past.  I had a fierce headwind from the mouth of the canyon all the way to Vivian Park.  There was no wind once I got into South Fork, but then it was all uphill.  While four miles isn't long, four miles all uphill IS long, and I felt it.  I was fairly pooped the rest of the day.

At the gate at the top of South Fork.

Breakfast was delicious.  For some reason, bacon and pancakes always taste better when eaten in the mountains.  I don't understand it, but I embrace and relish that difference.  The kids ran around the park, played some soccer, made a fort in the forest, and played croquet.  I played too and got killed by Griffin.  It was great to be in the great outdoors, but it got hot quickly. 

I wish I could say this was ALL of the DeMartini grandkids/cousins.
Sadly, Bryan's family was not with us, so we're missing his four.

I biked home from the park and was irritated to discover that I had a headwind as I went down the canyon.  How unfair is that?  Headwind both directions?!  At least I had gravity on my side.  It was hot biking on the asphalt, but it felt good to be moving.

When we got home, the kids both immediately gathered with friends to play.  Brandt went down to Paul's house, and Blythe had Lilly, Emma, and Ellie all come to our house to play.  I wanted to swim, so I went over to my mom's house alone and swam with Mikayla and her kids and Grandma Sue.  The water felt good.  I wanted to bob around, but Kal wanted me to run with him across the yard to "cannonball" into the pool.  I humored him four times, and then that was enough for me.  I told him I came over to float around the pool, not run around the yard.  He ran with Cora, Brick, and Rowen and was content.  And I basked in the fun and felt bronzed and beautiful.

I got out of Mom's pool in time to make a quick stop at the grocery store for panzanella ingredients, come home and make panzanella, then got right back in the pool, this time at the Cutler's house.  They were hosting an "End of Summer Swim," and invited pretty much the whole ward and others to join them for dinner and swimming.  We all went and had a splendid time.  Both kids had friends--Brandt swam with the Morelands and Will Weidner, and Blythe swam with Ellie, Ava Davis, and Elle Blad.  We ate pulled pork sandwiches and delicious sides, visited with our neighbors, and played and played.

If Labor Day really is the end of summer, I suppose it was a pretty good send off.  But if we can eke out a few more summer moments, I'm going to!

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