Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sunday Activity

Guy is out of town, in California having a surf trip for his 40th birthday which is today.  Mikayla has been home alone, with five children, since Thursday evening.  I've been helping.  Mom's been helping.  Today, to help, I volunteered to take Brick and Cora to church while Kal napped, leaving Mikayla to deal with only two children for a bit.

Brick and Cora were excited to come with us, but Cora wanted to know why we weren't going to the beach.  Church. Beach. Both words end with that CH sound.  I would rather go to the beach, too.  But Cora is always happy to go with me anywhere, so off to church we went.  She and Brick were very busy, keeping us all distracted and making the meeting a bit more lively than it would have been otherwise.  Cora was ready to go after the opening prayer.  She hasn't been to church much.  They both did fine, however, with Kent, Brandt, Blythe, and me all trying to entertain them.  They even did well in Primary.  It was Cora's first time in Sunbeams, and though she didn't want to stay, I told her they were going to sing (she likes to sing), and her teacher promised they would paint, which she also likes to do.  Brick got to go to be with his school buddy and friend, Alex Abreu, so he was willing to stay as well.

Brick wrote me this sweet note during church.
It says, "Cake (that's me) I [leve] you a cuz (because) you are grat (great)"
I do love that boy!

Brick and Cora wanted to come to our house after church, so they did and played and played for a couple hours.  We had invited the Tanners to come to dinner, so while I prepared food, they played with Brandt and Blythe.  Blythe was good to let Cora play with the Legos in her room, something Cora loves to do, but can't when Blythe is not home.  Brick played with the master sword and shield.

We were delighted to have the Tanners come for dinner.  We talked and laughed and the food was delicious.  Brandt, mid-dinner, found something very funny and began giggling.  He couldn't get himself under control and continued to giggle, impeding his food consumption, and being a big distraction.  Having Jack and Simon with us just set him off and he was beside himself with uncontrolled laughter.  He was being so silly!  He put a handkerchief on his head and pulled out a walker, then pretended to be a little old lady.  He was telling jokes, or trying, but cracking himself up he could hardly speak.  You would think we never take him out or let him be around other people.  He had a grand time!  He was the only one to take pictures, too, which made me sad.  Half an hour after they left, I texted Heidi and said, "Come back! We didn't take a picture."  Sadly, Brandt's pictures aren't in focus.  Hard to say what's to blame--camera or photographer.  We did have a marvelous good time together.

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