Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Potty Training

Mikayla has four children in diapers, which is a ridiculous number.  Cora has needed to start with the potty training, but there have been some emotional setbacks, as well as a very stubborn personality to deal with, and so it hasn't happened.  Mikayla and I have been talking about it, and we decided today was the day to start.  I went over to her house to help get people up and moving and out the door this morning, and Cora wanted to come to my house.  I agreed, but said that we were going to start going potty in the toilet.  She wasn't thrilled, but she didn't entirely protest either.  I brought home a couple pairs of pants and undies for her, which we put on to try.  I set the timer on the phone, and we began.  By the time we needed to go pick up Brick from school, we were 1-4.  She had peed on the floor three times, but did pee once in the toilet.  It felt like progress, and throughout the day, at home, she did really well.  She did pee on Kal and all over the floor, but she also peed a couple times in the toilet, and even pooped. 

Working with Cora took me right back to my potty training efforts with our children.  I'm so glad that part of my parenting life is over.  I didn't deal with it well with Brandt and Blythe, both of whom were difficult, and I'm glad it's someone else's real job now.  I've said a prayer for Cora and am fairly confident it will come quickly.

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