Friday, February 1, 2019

Fifth Grade Wax Museum

One of the major projects the fifth graders get to do is Wax Museum.  Each student selects a person they admire or think has contributed to society in some way, then do research about that person's life, dress up like them, and then be a "wax" figure of that person.  Brandt lobbied hard to have Blythe be one of Marvel actresses, none of whom she even knew, but I suggested her favorite author and Utah native, Shannon Hale.  Blythe was delighted by the idea and set out to learn all she could about Ms. Hale, a true inspiration to our girl.  Blythe would like to be a writer, and like Shannon Hale, has begun, at ten, to write her first work of fiction.  

Last night was the parent/family wax museum, and today, all the school got to file through and see the kids as their characters.  There were lots of sports figures, people from the arts and entertainment field, inventors, and other interesting folks.  Each student had a quote from their person, and they were really quite inspiring.  Blythe was dressed up with a scarf, big hoop earrings, and straight hair.  I put makeup on her to make her look more grownup, and boy howdy did it work!  She looked far too grownup for our taste.  Beautiful, but far too old.  She did a fine job of staying still, and had a good time.  

Today, in between class visits, the kids were able to get up and move around.  They did the chicken dance and talked, and then were very still again when students came to the museum.  I love that Blythe is learning wonderful things and having such a great time in school.  And I love that she sees Shannon Hale as someone to emulate.

 When Shannon Hale goes to speak to people, 
she takes along a laminated roll of rejection letters, just so people can see that it's hard to become a writer.  Although she's written many books, she had many noes before her first book was accepted.

Shannon Hale hanging out with Provo Mayor Michelle Kaufusi (Addie Lepinski)

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