Saturday, February 2, 2019

A Busy Saturday

We had lots going on today, although as it is Saturday, that's fairly typical.  The kids did a bit of tidying up in their rooms and then wanted to play.  Brandt assured me he had cleaned his room, and this evening, when I went into his bedroom, I discovered he had lied.  What to do?  Jarom and Sam Oyler came over to see if Brandt could play, and having someone here put everything else out of his mind.  They went across the street to shoot stuff in the field, and even though it was chilly, they were out there for a long time.  Boys and guns.

Brandt's hair has been looking awful, and when we went to do baptisms for the dead recently, I was astounded at how long and shaggy his hair looked, especially when it was wet.  Kent volunteered to take him, and they went down to Great Clips where I always take the kids.  They have his "cut" on file there, and the woman who took him away to cut his hair asked, "Just the usual?"  Yep.  That's all we wanted.  Just the usual.

When Brandt got home, I was horrified by what I saw.  Brandt went away with awful looking hair, but he returned with it looking even worse.  How could have possibly be?  Kent said the woman cutting his hair seemed to not know what she was doing, but Utah requires something like 2,000 hours to become certified to cut hair, so it can't have been her first rodeo.  Whatever happened, it wasn't pretty.  I couldn't believe it.  I might take him back in on Monday to have the whole thing fixed.  Brandt, who is largely unconcerned about his appearance, said he liked it.

Late afternoon, I took Brandt and Blythe to a musical called Wonderland, playing at BYU.  While the costuming was fun and the performers were good, I didn't like the music, I didn't love the story, and I wished, in a way, that we hadn't bothered.  Saying that, however, makes me feel guilty.  I hope no one missed it because I got tickets.  The kids were fairly bored.  Ah well.  You can't win them all.  We went for a soda after the play, because if you go to a cultural event of some sort, it is required to stop and get a treat.  I have no idea who made up that rule.

While I went out with Blythe who needed to use the bathroom, Brandt took a bunch of pictures.  Selfies are a sure-fire way to pass the time when you are bored waiting.  I have lots of other posts to prove it!

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