In company with the DeMartinis, we went to Provo Beach today. Prior to doing summer planning, I asked the kids what they wanted to do with cousins, and Brandt said he wanted to play laser tag. So we scheduled this afternoon to shoot each other in the dark. I think Provo Beach Resort is overpriced, but we got a day pass and I made sure we did enough stuff to justify the expense. In addition to two games of laser tag, we did bowling, played on the mega playground, did miniature croquet (like miniature golf, but croquet style), rode the carousel twice, played arcade games, and did the ropes course. Paul and Kevin Moreland showed up at our house just before we were leaving, so we invited them to come along. Mikayla left early with Cora and Kal. Cora was breaking into bouts of hysterical crying, and Kal was trying to run away, and after a bit, she got tired of chasing and trying to calm, so she went home. Next time we meet, we need to be at a fenced playground. The laser tag was a huge hit, Blythe loved the ropes course, and everyone got ice cream. I suppose one must say it was a win all around.

Paul and Brandt lookin' good!
That "Kake" at the bottom is me.
I was the big fat winner!
I pulled it out in the last frame.
Pinks -v- Blues
I was never in focus because I was going up and down and up and down and
up and down and up and down and you get it.
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