Sunday, January 24, 2016

Snow Play

We awoke to probably four inches of snow on the ground.  Everything was beautiful.  Just after breakfast, Brandt put on his snow gear and went out to play.  Snow play is wonderful--the air is crisp, everything is bright white, and tromping through deep snow burns off lots of energy.  Brandt rolled giant snowballs and begged Blythe to come out and play with him.  She didn't.  He jumped up on one of them and I felt I had to go get a picture.  After I took his picture, he said, "Mom, push me."  I complied and pushed him off.  He looked surprised and then laughed.  I laughed too.  He's a great kid.

The snow was so deep and so clean, I proposed we make snow cones.  I had some Torani raspberry syrup, so I scooped snow and we doused it with juice.  Sweet, cold goodness.  The kids both thought it was super cool (pun intended) and that I was the best mom ever.  Score a point for me!  I wanted a picture of Brandt and Blythe eating their snow cones, but Blythe was wandering around the house in only her underwear, and I wanted her to put a shirt on (at the very least!) for the picture.  She wouldn't, so it's me and Brandt in the photo.  I look like I am still in my pajamas and haven't had a shower yet.  It's an accurate representation--I was still in my pajamas and hadn't had a shower.

Last Sunday we had some snow (not much but enough to stick to the ground) and Brandt went out to build a snowman.  In an effort to bulk up the mid section, Brandt plopped two lumps of show on the chest and suddenly realized he had created a rather buxom snowwoman.  Giggle, giggle from the lad.  He thought he was hilarious.  Me too.  He built a snowbaby and then added a snowman later in the day so there was a whole family.

On Tuesday, as I was going for a walk, I couldn't find my gloves.  I looked in all the drawers where we keep snow gear, and checked in all the pockets of my jackets, knowing that I hadn't taken my heavy gloves anywhere recently.  Wednesday, as I was on my way to school, I realized that my gloves were out keeping snowpeople hands warm.

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