Friday, March 27, 2015

Field Trip Friday #28--Primary Service Activity

I had a very hard time coming up with something to do for field trip Friday today, and since there was a Primary service activity already on the schedule, I let that count.  The children wanted to do something else and felt a bit let down that I hadn't suggested something else, but I was drawing a blank, so service it was.

Before we left for the Primary activity (not until 4:00), I let Brandt have a lemonade stand with friends.  As you can see from the picture, there were lots of people involved.  Jarom and Sam Oyler helped, as well as Bowen and Merrick Porter (new around-the-corner neighbors), and Blythe, Lilly, and Emma rode/ran by from time to time.  I was concerned about how much lemonade they would sell because with all those helpers, it didn't seem like anyone would come away with much money.  The girls didn't really help so they didn't get any money, and by the time we needed to wrap up sales and go to the activity, Bowen and Merrick had gone home, so the monetary sharing wasn't spread as thin as I had worried it would be.  

 Emma, Merrick, Sam, Brandt, Blythe, Lilly, Bowen, Jarom

The Primary service activity was to go sing at the Food and Shelter Coalition while dinner was being served.  The kids were the entertainment.  After we gathered, Hilary Davis shared a bit of history about the FSC, and then we drove down to sing.  They probably sang 10 or so songs, and they did a great job.  They looked so sweet and pure and sang beautifully, and I was glad I volunteered to drive so I could be there to hear them.  There was a very nice spirit as they sang.  Everybody got a brownie after the singing was finished, and we were home by shortly after 5:00pm.  Yeah for service on a Friday afternoon!


Unfortunately, I forgot the big camera when we went to sing, so I only had my phone camera.
It doesn't take very good pictures inside.
So Brandt and Blythe are in the middle in the third and second rows, but everyone is blurry.
Oh well.

Here are Brandt and Blythe after the singing enjoying their brownie.
Brandt has his on his face, and Blythe has hers in her napkin.

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