Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Sunday Walk

Sunday afternoons are always hard.  We don't watch TV or play on the computer or with friends, so the day always seems long for the kids who both get absolutely squirrelly and drive me and Kent crazy.  In an effort to counteract that squirrelliness, we went for a walk at BYU along with river trail on the south side of campus (lover's lane).  We looked for sure signs of spring which were everywhere, and we let the kids run and jump and play, though not in the shrubbery.

Speaking of which, about a minute and a half after we got out of the car, Blythe called to us and said, "Mom! Dad! I've found a sure sign of spring!  There are little berries on this shrubbery."  So funny!

We walked along the trail and saw bulbs poking up, the forsythia in bloom, fat buds exploding on tree branches, and hyacinth already out.  The ducks at the pond were totally uninterested in the dried bread we brought them, mostly because all the other folks who were out enjoying the warmth had also brought bread.  They were sated and didn't require our offering.  We saw lots of turtles today, ten in fact.  Seven were together on one rock.  A woman climbed over the pond railing and picked up a little water snake that the kids ran over to see, and then she picked up a turtle too.  I went to see the turtle up close.  When she put it down, Blythe said to her, "What are you going to pick up next?  How about a duck?"

On the way back to the car, we stopped so the kids could roll down the Maesar hill.  It was so great to let them expend pent up energy.  Our evening constitutional made bedtime much easier.

On the left, Blythe this year, sitting on a rock along the river trail.
On the right, Blythe last sitting on a rock along the river trail.
Not much difference.

On the left, Brandt, this year, well armed for a stroll along campus, standing on a rock.
On the right, Brandt, last year, well armed for a stroll along campus, standing on a rock.
Not much difference.
I wonder how many years in a row we can take these same pictures.

A sure sign of spring.


A turtle up close

2015 on the left, 2014 on the right



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