Monday, March 16, 2015

FHE and Faith in God

When Brandt turned eight, he entered scouts and should now be working on Faith in God.  Kent is Brandt's scout leader, so they have been working on scout stuff, but we haven't really done anything with Faith in God yet.  My conscious has been pricked, and I decided we needed to begin working on it.  Fortunately, when I looked through requirements, I discovered we had done two activities already, without realizing they counted.  Yeah!  I signed those off and looked for something we could do this week.

Tonight, we had Brandt teach our family home evening lesson.  He was to tell us the story of Joseph Smith's first vision, and then talk about how our prayers can be answered.  I had Brandt read through the account last night before bed, so that today, he could tell us the story in his own words.  He had two pictures to hold up with the account on the back, and he did a great job sharing Joseph's experience with us.  He read James 1:5 and told about how Joseph was overcome by an evil force as he began to pray, but was delivered by the bright light that fell upon him.  Brandt was very clear and confident and only slightly silly.  We had a good discussion about how we get answers to prayers, and then had cookies for dessert.

I love to see the ways our children are growing in their gospel knowledge.  I'm impressed by their answers when we ask questions about gospel principles, and I'm touched when they prayer with real sincerity which isn't really frequent, but they are getting better.  I can see that their faith is increasing and I try to bear my testimony to them as often as I can about little ways the Lord blesses us.

My good camera is still gone.
Can you tell?

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