Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday Evening Treats

Sunday is a treat evening.  Ask anyone.  They'll tell you.  It's an undisputed fact.  And as today is Sunday, there had to be a treat.  Before shopping on Friday, I was thumbing through a cookbook and found a recipe for pizzookies, essentially cookies baked in custard dishes, then topped with ice cream and chocolate and caramel sauce.  Doesn't that sound delicious?

It was.

Knowing that if I made pizzookies and had more than one left over I would eat them all, I invited Guy and Mikayla, and Mom and Bryan with all their children to come over and eat some with us.  It was a lovely evening and we sat out on the patio and date treats, visited, watched the children run around, and laughed.  It was so nice to be together.

Before everyone came, and during the long Sunday afternoon when we can't watch TV or play with friends, Brandt and Blythe were outside making mischief.  They were up in the tree harvesting "popcorn," picking off clumps of our large white blossoms and gathering them all into a bin.  They were very intent and focused on their work, and I sort of worried someone was going to fall out of the tree, break an arm, and we were going to spend the evening at the ER getting x-rays and a cast.  Fortunately, we spent the evening eating pizzookies and visiting.



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