Monday, December 2, 2019


There has been so much service rendered to those involved in the condo fire.  People in and out of the ward have offered to house and feed people, give clothing and goods, and help move belongings.  It's been such an amazing experience to see our ward family come together to support those who have been displaced. 

Today, with a wonderful group of women from the ward, I helped Claire Blackhurst move out of her apartment.  The Blackhursts were in Las Vegas for Thanksgiving and got word about the fire when the bishop called to make sure they were out of the building and okay.  It was literally a rude awakening.  They came back on Friday night and moved quite a few things on Saturday.  But today, Claire wanted to have everything out, as if they were never coming back.  She was on the second floor, so had no fire or smoke damage, but she had lots of water damage.  The ceiling was still dripping, the floor was soaked, counters were covered in standing water.  She was well prepared, however, with waterproof bags and plastic bins we could pack things in.  She had also secured a storage unit.  We were eight women who packed and stowed, and with the help of several burly fireman, we made quick work of the packing and moving all her belongings downstairs.  Then, some of us helped her unload and stack things in her storage unit. 

It was a good morning's work, and Claire was extraordinarily grateful. Today's Light the World suggestion was "Think of someone who is an example of Christlike service.  Highlight their example on social media."  While I didn't post anything on social media, I was also extraordinarily grateful for the good women who showed up today and who show up anytime there is a need.  They are a wonderful example to me.

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