Thursday, May 30, 2019

Battle Creek Falls

School is over, summer has begun, and we started it off with a hike to Battle Creek Falls in the company of cousins.  We love a hike, we love a waterfall, we love a cousin.  It was the perfect combination for a great day!  Mikayla came with all of her children.  She and I both carried a baby, and I am absolutely convinced neither of them will remember a bit of our hike.  I was carrying Freya and found that she slept most of the way.  She did look around at the beginning of the hike and seemed to love the wind across her fluff, but then she slept.  The big kids hiked ahead of the little kids who all wanted to keep up.  Except Kal.  He wanted to eat.  Mikayla gave him a large Ziploc bag of popcorn, and he munched happily along as he walked, which he did pretty much the whole way.  I think Brandt and Luke each took a turn carrying him part of the way, but mostly he walked.  Everyone walked.  Except Freya and Thea.

The waterfall was beautiful, the mist was cooling and refreshing, and only Brick fell in, soaking himself and scraping his knee.  He recovered enough to be able to walk back on his own accord.  Brandt, Blythe, Luke, and Makenna hiked up above the falls, then walked down the river when we started back.  They are big and open to adventure.  I need to remind myself that they aren't little anymore and should be given freer rein to do their thing without me standing over them trying to direct their affairs.  It was a good time!

The first of several selfies taken today.

Brandt clearly needs a haircut.

At the trailhead.

Cora ate popcorn, too.
While walking.

Seesters holding seesters.


More selfies.

The big kids, heading off down the river.

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