Monday, April 1, 2019


It was a beautiful day, the kids are out of school for spring break, and we didn't have much on the agenda, so I thought we should go get some mulch for flower beds.  Blythe and I had put in some flowers, other things are poking through the dirt, and I thought it would be a good time to give the beds a boost.  Not only that, it would get us and some of Mikayla's people out of the house. 

We went and picked up Christopher's truck and headed out to Cook's, with Brick and Cora joining us.  Kal had a nap.  Poor guy.  He missed all the fun.  Not really.  We had more fun after he got up.  We had no problem with the mulch, but I also needed three buckthorn plants to replace three buckthorn plants that died.  There wasn't much a selection in the perennial plant section of the nursery, but a woman who worked there loaded us up in a golf cart and zipped us up to a different section where there were more choices.  We picked up two other plants in large, five gallon tubs, then loaded six bodies onto the cart, too.  I wasn't sure we would make it back in one piece. 

We got a full truckload of nutri-mulch and headed home with dirt and plants.  Everyone was hungry so we made a stop at Dels Taco for food and play.  By the time we had finished eating and were home, Kal was up and Mikayla came over with him and the twins. 

Dirt distribution, digging, and general mayhem ensued.  Blythe helped Mikayla with the babies.  Cora and Kal played in the truck and threw all of Christopher's loose change out the window onto the sidewalk and road.  I had a bit of "help" with the dirt, and lots of ready help with the planting of the bushes, and by the time Kent came home, I had just about finished up the front and had two-thirds of the truck emptied.  I was going to just leave the rest of the dirt on the driveway, but Kent was willing to help finish up the mulch and the backyard.  We pushed on for a final hour and got all the mulch distributed, the truck cleaned out, and all the beds filled.  It was a good, productive, entertaining day, lovely to be outside enjoying the sun.

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