Monday, April 1, 2019

April Fool's Day

For several days, the children have been making pranking plans.  April Fool's has a certain appeal to the young, and this year in particular, both Brandt and Blythe wanted to make the most of their day to get people.  Blythe was so keen to get started, she set her alarm clock to go off at 5:00am.  I have no idea what she was wanting to do, but I turned the alarm off before I went to bed because no one was going to have a good day if Blythe was up that early.  When she did eventually wake at 7:30, she came downstairs mad!  She demanded to know why I had turned off her alarm, but I was unrepentant.  April Fools to her!

Throughout the day, there were prank attempts made.  Brandt and Blythe tried to fool us by covering the toilet bowl with plastic wrap, but they left the box on the bathroom counter (a place where I never leave the plastic wrap), and they didn't smooth the plastic wrap enough to make it not show, or smooth it down around the bowl under the seat.  It was a noble effort that fell short.  Later, they put tape over the loo faucet.  Blythe forgot, however, and sprayed herself with water when she went to wash.  That reminded Brandt that he should do it to the kitchen faucet, but when I turned it on, it just shot backwards and didn't get me wet at all.

Kent even tried to get in on the action.  He purchase large plastic spiders at the Dollar Store on his way home from work, and put them in everyone's bed.  He put them on our pillows, then covered them up a bit, but when we pulled back the covers, the spiders came with them, and none of us saw them.  He, too, was very disappointed. 

I didn't try to fool anyone.  Maybe I was the smartest of the bunch this year.

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