Friday, April 12, 2019

A Day with the Johnsens

I invited Mikayla to come hang out at my house today.  While we didn't have much planned, by coming here, it gets her and all her little people out of their own house.  A change of scenery can do the crazies good.  Grandma Sue came over, too, to hang out and help.  More help is always a bonus.

It really is crazy with all Mikayla's little people.  Brick was at school until shortly before noon, so we played with cars and games.  Cora likes little pieces of things, so when she comes, she almost immediately gets out the playing pieces from the Jr. Monopoly game--a boat, car, cat, and dog.  Kal likes those too, so sometimes they fight over them, and sometimes they each get two.  There are little cardboard pieces of each of those four things, too, and Cora likes to put those in the castle.  They both like the penguin game that doesn't really work anymore, but the penguins are small and they often end up in the castle or in the firetruck.  The Jenga pieces always end up on the floor, and we build small towers for Kal to kick over.  They would be taller, but he can never wait that long to kick.  The big bag of large Legos always gets dumped on the floor, as do the monkeys from their barrel, lots of cars come out with the city play mat, and many books usually end up scattered around, too.  What fun!

We had lunch together, then Kal needed a nap.  I took him upstairs, but Mikayla had forgotten his bottle, so he only had a sipper cup of milk.  He didn't want that.  He was calm in bed, but he kept whispering gibberish into my ear.  I snuggled him, but it wasn't quite enough.  He only fell asleep after entwining himself around my neck and chest.  I wasn't sure how I was going to get away once he fell asleep, but I was able to extract myself carefully.  

Cora was jumping on the mattress down in the basement and fell.  She shrieked and we ran down to see what was wrong, and found her with what looked like road rash all down one side of her back.  She was so distraught, she said, "I go sleep in Brandt's room!"  I took her upstairs and she feel asleep in Brandt's bed, clutching Blythe's stuffed white tiger, Arctic Tundra. 

While a couple of children were sleeping, Mikayla, Mom, and I watched Thor: Ragnarok.  I'm trying to work through all the Marvel Universe movies before Endgame comes out, and I'm way behind.  Mikayla said it was really funny, and it was.  

Throughout their time here, at one point or another, I had all six of Mikayla's babies (including Kila in this count) on my lap, sometimes more than one at a time.  Kal likes to be on me, even if I'm feeding or holding a baby, Cora likes to check in for a periodic squeeze or a story, and Brick needs a snuggle from time to time, too.  And because of all the attention the little people need, the dog feels left out and will jump up on the couch for a scratch.  I've told Mikayla, they all need speech bubbles that say, "I need! I need!"  

It was a good day--fun and silly and a bit wild.  We'll have to do it again soon.  I didn't get very many pictures, because who has time to take pictures when all the little bodies are clambering over you?

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