Sunday, December 3, 2017

A Testimony

For the first time ever, Blythe bore her testimony in sacrament meeting.  She's been wanting to do it for some weeks, asking every week for the past month if it was the Sunday where anyone could get up and say something.  A few days ago, as Sunday was approaching, she asked again, and when I said, yes, it was indeed this week, she said, "Oh good!  I want to bear my testimony.  Will you come up with me and bear yours too?"  How could I refuse?  I was a bit concerned about what she wanted to share, but she assured me she wanted to talk about Jesus.

All through the sacrament, she excitedly waited for testimony time, and as soon as Mike Drake turned the time over for testimony bearing, she leaped up and took my hand.  She wanted to go first and began her testimony by saying, "I'm Blythe Barrus, and there is one thing you should know about me.  I love decorations!"  I was suddenly very nervous about where she was going, but she continued, "At our house, my favorite Christmas decoration says, 'The magic of Christmas is not in the presents, but in His presence.'"  She went on to say that for a long time, she didn't understand what that meant.  Was the "He" in this Santa?  Then she figured it out.  "His presence" referred to Jesus.  She bore her testimony that Jesus was real, and that she was glad we could celebrate his birth. 

Isn't that wonderfully sweet?  She stood with such confidence and expressed herself so well, and I was overwhelmed with feelings of love and gratitude that she is my daughter. 

I bore my testimony after her and expressed my joy and gratitude in the magic that Jesus brings into my life.  I can repent and change and improve and be saved through Him, and that truly is a miraculous bit of "magic" if there ever was one.

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