Every year, when December rolls around, I think about the month, the Christmas season, and all that comes into play that is not related, in any way, to Christ. I have grand intentions of focusing on the Savior's birth, and then all the other stuff gets in the way and it doesn't happen. Last year the Church introduced a way to keep our celebrating more Christ centered with their "Light the World" campaign. During the 25 days leading up to Christmas, each day had a theme relating in some way to Jesus, and some act of service that would help us be more like him. I was delighted with this, and for the first week or nine days, we did pretty well. Then I got distracted, I didn't remind anyone about it, and the rest of the month was not focused on the real meaning of Christmas.
This year the Church presented the same campaign, with slightly different themes but the same focus on service, and I vowed to be more diligent in my efforts to light the world. I've also been feeling a pull to post more about my faith on social media, and so I made a goal to post something on Facebook each day relating to the themes. The Church produced short videos to go with each day's theme, so I included those and a thought or a report on what I/we did that day. I wanted the children to be involved and had each day included in our advent calendar. In every pocket was something we were doing that day, and a way we could light the world.
All in all, I think it went very well. Here are some of the highlights.
Day 1 "Freely ye have received, freely give." Blythe wrote a sweet note to Keyaira and included a $5 bill, because, as Blythe says, "She could really use our help." Blythe also wanted to do the "Get Give" vending machines the Church had in the Joseph Smith Building, but we didn't make it to Salt Lake in time. We went up on the 29th, and by that time, they were all done letting people contribute, even though they were still set up. She was fantastically disappointed. We'll donate online.
Day 2 "I was thirsty and ye gave me drink." This is what I posted on Facebook.
"To think that so many in the world live without clean water. And even more live without the living water that Christ offers through His gospel. When my spirit thirsts, I know where to look for satisfaction, refreshment, and cleansing." In addition, Kent and I made a donation to a non-profit that worked with BYU engineering students to create a village drill that is relatively inexpensive, can be easily assembled, and is human powered. Their combined efforts have brought, over the past five years, 55 drills to 23 countries, been responsible for drilling more than 1,100 boreholes, and have provided clean water to at least 300,000 people.
Day 5 This is what I posted on Facebook. "Every time I think of Matthew 15:4, 'Honor thy father and mother,' I'm sad my father is not with us anymore. I miss him. He was so good with people, never judging, accepting them where they were at. He was the funniest man I've ever met. I haven't laughed as much since he died. My mother is a rock. She is faithful, a woman of integrity, and a person who wants to do what's right. She is a great example to me of turning to the Lord when help is needed, and then acting confidently that He will answer our prayers. I love my parents and honor their sacrifices to make my life better." I wanted to post a picture of my parents, and I couldn't find one of the two of them, together, that wasn't nearly 10 years old. Makes me sad. We should have taken more pictures of them.
Day 6 "Judge not, that ye be not judged." Matthew 7:1 I got a message on Facebook from a friend of ours from Albany, Phil Adikes. He said, "You are helping me make December my month of Christ too... When my pride and delusion made me feel 'holiest' I had really put myself in isolation from God and others. When I was most keenly aware of my selfish nature I found myself drawing closer to God and being a much better friend to my peers. Consciousness of my own sin is my ticket to join the celebration and to love without reserve. The paradoxes are rich." I just love this! And I loved how we were working, as a family, each day, to make our actions more like Christ's.
Day 7's theme was "Suffer the little children to come unto me." Mikayla and her kids came over to hang out with me. We were doing a bit of a quilting project for Mikayla. She had made blankets for Brick and Cora, but needed to do some quilting to keep the layers together. While she was there, Kal managed to swallow a small, thin piece of metal from a needle threader, and ended up in the ER followed by a quickie surgery to remove it. Mikayla's other little children were with us all afternoon and evening until Guy and Mikayla could get home with Kal from the hospital. What a day that was!
Day 8
Matthew 5:44 "Love your enemies, bless them at curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you." We read this scripture and watched the video that morning. I asked the children if they had someone at school they had a hard time getting along with, and Blythe immediately said yes, and named a friend she's been having some conflict with. She has really been struggling to be nice, but has been accused of being mean and not inclusive. But before she left for school, she said a prayer, specifically naming this friend, and vowing to make an effort today and over the next week to be kind. I could see a softening in Blythe after she prayed, and know I can experience that same softening as I pray for those I might sometimes see as my enemy.
Day 10
John 5: 39 "Search the scriptures." I frequently feel inadequate for the tasks and responsibilities that are mine. Parenting is hard. Marriage is sometimes a challenge. My current church assignment seems overwhelming. There are needs to be met and tasks to complete. While I am doing pretty well at some things, I am falling short in a great many others. But Christ offers this reassurance in Doctrine and Covenants 32:3. "I myself will go with them and be in their midst; and I am their advocate with the Father, and nothing shall prevail against them." Christ is on my side. He's on my team! He will be with me and plead my cause before God. I take great comfort in knowing that though I am weak and struggle and fall short all the time, my Savior will represent me for my benefit and good. I love him for that!
Day 12 Matthew 5:4 "Blessed are they that mourn." To lose a loved one is one of life's greatest sorrows. Two nights ago, as I was snuggled under the covers trying to go to sleep, I was thinking of my dad and his death. It's been six years, yet as I lay there, it all felt very fresh. I didn't want to start crying because my nose would run and I'd have a hard time breathing, and I didn't want to disturb Kent, so I tried to think of something else. Anything else. I know my dad is in a good place, busy, happy, feeling fantastic. But I still mourn. Dad loved Christmas, and my Santa decorations poignantly remind me of him. I know others mourn, too, and Christmas without a loved one is always hard.
Dec 13 Matthew 7:12 "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do for you, do you even so for them." It's the Golden Rule, a wonderful way to live. Today, I took time to be with my niece, Michelle, and her new daughter, Mina. What a beautiful mother and new child. As I watched her with her sweet baby, I thought about the joy that comes into your life when you become a parent the first time, and each time. And I thought about the joy that entered the world when Jesus was born, joy felt by a new mother, Mary, and joy felt by the world at the birth of our Savior. New life that would bring triumph over death. It was a wonderful few hours spent with those I love, and I was grateful I could take them a meal and visit, as I was grateful when we brought Brandt home and others did the same for me.

Dec 16 Matthew 25:6 "[I was] naked, and ye clothed me." Today we dropped off some items at the United Way Giving Tree. On Wednesday we went and picked up cards that had the name of a person in need of something, and suggestions of what we could get them. We selected a nine and a half year old girl (just like Blythe!) and a thirteen year old boy (close to Brandt). Then we went shopping. The children helped select clothes, toys, and books, hoping to make their Christmas a little brighter. They had a good time shopping. Blythe did ask if she could have her name on the tree, but I pointed out that she was hardly in need of anything, and we certainly were in a position to get her whatever she might need. But we all felt good about our contribution.

Dec 17 3 Nephi 18:22 "Ye shall meet together oft." This evening, we attended our stake music fireside. One short hour of beautiful Christmas music performed by members of the stake. I hadn't felt particularly interested in going, but as we were singing and I wanted to support Jeri Covey, the choir director, I went. Kent was going to come, too, and we were going to bring the children, but then Blythe said, "I don't want to go," so Kent stayed home with her and Brandt and I went. Then, just before the program started, Kent and Blythe arrived. She changed her mind. The music was great and the spirit was strong and uplifting. A family from the 9th ward did an instrumental version of O Come, O Come Emmanuel which was fabulous! One man played the trombone, which I think Brandt liked. He watched him through the whole number. Our ward sang a lovely piece of music called Follow the Star which encourages us, like the wisemen of old, to look for Christ. The lyrics say, "Jesus has come, the Light of the World. He will return again. If we follow His light like the Wisemen of old, He will guide us safely home." I was so glad we went and joined with our fellow saints to sing praises and worship the Savior through song.
Dec 19 Matthew 5:12 "Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad." Done! When I look at my life and all the rich goodness that is mine, I am exceedingly glad. Glad for life, for prosperity, for a stellar husband and great kids, for meaningful extended family relationships, and for an abundance of friends. I've got the gospel, good health, and more than I could possible need. Life is good!
Dec 20 Along with that thought, the following day I posted: I was just looking at houses for sale in our area. We're not moving. Ever. But it's fun to look at what's out there, other possibilities. Brandt came in and asked what I was doing, then sat on my lap to look, too. We found a couple of listings for houses that were over 1 million, and Brandt said, "Let's buy one of those!" No thank you. Even with all the money in the world, I know I wouldn't want the responsibility of so much. Luke 12:15 says, "A man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth." Christ tells his disciples not to worry about clothing or shelter, but to focus on the kingdom of God, and then all things will be added. I have an abundance, and sometimes it overwhelms me. I am making an earnest goal to eliminate the excess and focus more on what most matters in my life.
Dec 21 Matthew 25:35 "For I was hungred, and ye gave me meat." Blythe feels very strongly that because we have so much, we should be giving to others. Just today, as we walked into Hobby Lobby for some crafting supplies, there was a bell ringer outside. Blythe asked if we could put some money in his bucket, and initially I said no. We've been generous this year and I felt like we'd done enough. But she looked up at me and said, "But Mom. Think about all we have and how others don't have as much." I gave her a dollar. In addition, last week, the kids each took donations to the food bank into school. We did our part to feed the hungry. And though Blythe looks somewhat putout at doing it, she was only pouting because it was cold outside and I made her stop for a picture on the way to the car. She was glad to be taking food.

It was at this point that I became overwhelmed with last minute Christmas details, including shopping for a few little gifts, food preparations, and partying. The children were home, I was trying to entertain them and keep them engaged in something other than watching TV, and getting it all finished. I fear that I did not visit anyone in prison or really focus on the other themes, but I did post this on Christmas day, as something of a concluding thought to my Christ focused service efforts.
"Our celebration of Christmas should be a reflection of the love and selflessness taught by the Savior. Giving, not getting, brings to full bloom the Christmas spirit. We feel more kindly one to another. We reach out in love to help those less fortunate. Our hearts are softened. Enemies are forgiven, friends remembered, and God obeyed. The spirit of Christmas illuminates the picture window of the soul, and we look out upon the world’s busy life and become more interested in people than in things. To catch the real meaning of the spirit of Christmas, we need only drop the last syllable, and it becomes the Spirit of Christ.
As the Christmas season envelops us with all its glory, may we, as did the Wise Men, seek a bright, particular star to guide us in our celebration of the Savior’s birth. May we all make the journey to Bethlehem in spirit, taking with us a tender, caring heart as our gift to the Savior." President Thomas S. Monson
Merry Christmas friends! May it be a wonderful, spirit-filled day.
I feel as though December was, for me, more spirit-filled. Our Light the World tree, prominently hung in the kitchen so we could look at it and be reminded each day, filled with ornaments, and the month was filled with service. What a wonderful way to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ!