Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Day

Christmas arrived nice and early, especially early for Brandt, whose excitement for the whole thing wakes him earlier than usual.  By the time Blythe and I woke up, presents had been sorted, stockings squished to try and determine contents, and Brandt was beside himself.  Kent got up with him to make sure he didn't want the girls, taking one for the team.

 Look what we found when we came downstairs!  Santa had come! He had eaten his root beer float, and he left a letter as well as presents.  Blythe said, "See Mom! Santa does write letters!"  There has been some discussion about whether or not Santa ever wrote letters back to children, and I told Blythe I wasn't sure he had time.  Apparently, I was misinformed.

Santa brought Blythe a Barbie cash register instead of the Barbie computer she had asked for.  I hadn't seen any Barbie computers for girls her age, and told her I wasn't sure Santa would think it was appropriate either.  She might have been a tad bit disappointed.  Santa brought Brandt a remote control Lamborghini, just what he wanted.  Even though Brandt did not sit on Santa's lap or write him a letter, "He always knows what you want," Brandt told Blythe confidently two days ago.  I think Santa had something else in mind for Brandt, but figured it out just in time!  Did he remember the 9-volt battery to run the remote control car?  No, but fortunately, we had one on hand.  Phew!  Christmas morning might have been ruined.

Blythe wanted to start a new tradition this year.  We would each take turns pulling one item from our stocking and then opening a present, and everyone would watch everyone else.  That way none of us missed anything.  We all agreed this was a fine idea, one which slowed down the frenetic unwrapping.  There are only four of us, so no one had to wait long for their next turn.

I made crepes for breakfast, another new tradition I think.  We haven't had to have a Christmas breakfast in the past as we have been with the DeMartinis, but as we were by ourselves, I thought crepes were just the ticket.  So did everyone else.  We ate lots and lots.  It snowed heavily overnight, leaving the world a magical white.  Blythe informed us the snow came from magic dust left by the reindeer.  I'm not sure where that came from, but who am I to get into a meteorological argument with my daughter on Christmas?  December 28th maybe, but not Christmas.  After breakfast, Kent went out to shovel, and it didn't take long for the children to bundle up and tromp around in it all.  We came in for hot chocolate and spent the rest of the morning reading, Lego constructing, and gaming.

Kent was up wayyyyyyyy too early with Brandt.
He read the paper and took a nap on the couch.


Post shoveling action watching.

Lots of snow.

As today is Sunday, we got to attend church, but we only went to sacrament meeting.  I've decided I love having church on Christmas, though that is perhaps because we meet at 1:00pm.  We were able to do all our Christmas morning stuff, then get ready and head to church for a focused celebration of our Savior's birth.  There was wonderful music, the reading of the first Christmas story from the scriptures, and a very thoughtful, sweet message from the bishop.  It was fun to see neighbors and wish them merry Christmas, and to take the sacrament, remembering the purpose of Christ's birth--for him to come to earth and be our savior.  It was a very sweet meeting.  

I wanted to take a family picture after church.  We followed Ty and Janie Rasmussen home because I hadn't been able to wish them merry Christmas, and I asked if they would take our picture.  Brandt got out of the car and threw a snowball at the car door, but it missed and went into the car, hitting Blythe on the face.  She began to howl, Brandt climbed huffily back in the car when I chastised him, and so Kent and I took a picture alone.  No full family picture today.

Kent and I look good, even without the children.

In the afternoon, after church, we headed over to Grandma Sue's house to play with cousins.  Everyone came over for food and fun, and we had lots of both.  The adults began a game of charades, but it didn't take too long for the children to join in.  It was hilarious.  Not all the kids were very good at acting out their words, but Brandt was quite good.  He was very imaginative.  One of his words was "taco truck" and he acted out something no one understood at all.  When his time ran out, we asked him what he was doing, and then he showed us how he was making tacos.  Thing was, it looked like he was pulling ingredients out of his back pockets.  We all laughed and laughed and then laughed some more.  And then, while playing a new game called Speak Out, I laughed so hard I peed my pants.  Well, almost.  I had to leap up and run for the bathroom because it was going to happen.  Seriously.  We went home around 7:00pm, content with all the fun we'd had all day long.  It was a wonderful Christmas!

Christopher is saying "Platypuses walk sideways."
It was totally unintelligible!

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