Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Day

So that excitement Brandt was feeling was apparently overwhelming.  At 2:00am, Brandt came into our bedroom and, waking Kent, asked if it was time to get up yet.  Not quite.  Kent took him back to him room and climbed into bed with him.  Kent reported that it was 3:00am before Brandt was able to get to sleep again.  Then, at 6:00am, Brandt woke again, asking if it was time yet.  Kent managed to keep him in bed until 7:30 when Blythe woke up and we went down to open presents.

The children were pleased with their gifts.  Santa brought Blythe a Little Pet Shop Pet Jet, the toy she wanted very most of all, and Brandt got a new Star Wars Lego set, what he always wants.  I got a new Kitchen Aid, and Kent got "the lamest gift ever," a tie.  He received the tie from a Chinese company as a thank you, and he suggested I have the kids wrap it up so he'd have something to open on Christmas.  As we were wrapping it a couple of days ago, Brandt said, "What's this and who's it for?"  When I said it was a tie for Dad, he said, "Why? Why would you get him a tie? He never wears a tie. That is the lamest gift ever.  Blythe!" he yelled, as she was in the other room.  "Guess what Mom got Kent? A tie!"

Blythe came into the living room where we were wrapping and replied, "A tie? Why? That's the lamest gift ever."

Santa came!

Proof!  But that's okay.  Kent didn't let it spoil his morning.  In fact, after presents were opened and we had begun assembling Legos and pet jet, Kent went back to bed for a couple of hours.  He was knackered after an interrupted night's sleep.  The kids and I made breakfast, then Brandt went out to play with the dog in the snow.  Oh! the snow!  We had six to eight inches of snow fall during the night and when we awoke, it was truly a white Christmas, everything quiet and still and covered with a thick white blanket of coldness.  It was wonderful.



We couldn't let Brandt be the only one who enjoyed the snow, so around noon, we bundled up, piled into the car, and went sledding at Rock Canyon.  Even the dog came.  It was very fluffy snow that didn't support our weight very well, but we did sledding anyway and had a marvelous time.  

We came home and essentially spent the rest of the day hanging around.  Blythe had told Kent and me that on Christmas day she wanted us to stay home and not go anywhere.  She did enjoy the sledding, but we were happy to be home, in the warm, being together.  Grandma Sue came over and played dominoes with us, we snacked, we watched A Christmas Story.  It was quiet and relatively calm, and we were able to put the children to bed early.  Especially Brandt.  It was a wonderful Christmas.

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