Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas Concerts

Today was the school Christmas concerts.  This is the first year we have had to go to both concerts, as the performances are divided up.  Fourth through six grades performed in the morning with the morning kindergarteners, and the first through third grades and after kindergarteners perform in the afternoon.  The whole day was taken up with concerts.  However, the singing was wonderful.  I love this part of school.  Brandt and Blythe have both been singing their songs for the past month, and they have been so excited to have us come hear them.  They sang well, Brandt's grade singing --------- and ----------, and Blythe's grade singing "Still, Still, Still" and "A Hot Cup of Cocoa."  Brandt was supposed to wear a red or green shirt and a Santa hat.  We don't have a Santa hat, so he wore a Santa's helper hat, with elf ears on the side.  Although he had a red shirt on, for some reason, he never took off his coat.  He was standing on the front row, too, so it was pretty obvious that he was wearing it.  I don't know what that was about, and when I asked him why he had his coat on, he said, "Mrs. Harrington said it was fine."  Whatever.  He still sang beautifully.

This was as much of a smile as I was able to get out of him.
No teeth showing.


Blythe wouldn't give me a smile either.
Obstinate children.
Tavin--behind her--certainly was smiling large.

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