Thursday, October 22, 2015

Extra! Extra! Studio C

We quite like Studio C at our house, and because of this, I have subscribed to them on Facebook.  In addition, some time ago, I put myself on the extra email list, so when they have need of background bodies, I have the chance to go.  On Monday this week, I got an email that said they needed parent/child extras, with children between the ages of 7 and 12.  Well, that's us!  I signed up and hoped that we would be chosen.  It would have meant taking the kids out of school an hour early, but to be in a Studio C sketch! Totally worth it.  

We didn't get chosen (sad face) as a parent/child combo, but I did get chosen.  This is apparently a pretty big deal, and I was excited to participate.  I was to be at Stan's Drive-in at 7:00am, and plan on being there until 10:00am.  The instructions said to dress normally, like I was going to a diner.  I assumed that we would be in the diner doing filming and that I would be in the background with other extras in a booth.  I had to get up early so I could get ready (not that I would actually "get ready" to go to Stan's Drive-in in my real life, but hey! It's TV), and showed up promptly at 7:00am.  I did anticipate that there might be a lot of sitting around, so I brought a book.  

Turns out, we did a lot of standing around, outside, in the cold dark.  We didn't actually get into the diner until 8:30, and after being outside without a jacket for an hour and a half, I was numb.  We didn't do anything as extras the whole time we were waiting outside, just stood around watching the cast and crew do their thing.  When we finally did go into the diner, there was a run on booths next to the window, so I sat away from the action.  At 9:30 we were excused.  The long and the short of this experience was that I wasted two and a half hours of my life, and I'm fairly confident I won't be a single frame of the sketch.  I don't think I'll sign up again.

The crew, with Jeremy in the dark coat and hat in the middle, checking out the shot.

Crew preparing Mallory for a shot in a car.
The sketch is called "Bad Karma" and is about the comeuppance a nasty woman 
receives for her bad behavior.  
Mallory ends up in a car filled with ice.
For a chilly October morning pre-sunrise, I'm certain it was fairly miserable.

Mallory in the ice-filled car waiting to film.
She looks very calm.
When they began filming, she began shrieking.

Matt taking a picture of Mallory covered in ice.

And me with Matt Meese. 
Oh boy!
Two and a half hours for this picture.
Be still my beating heart.

Fellow extras standing around . . . waiting.
And waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm Joanne Walker's daughter, Celia, and I am sooooooooooo jelly!!!!!!! :D
