Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Scrub Scout Day Camp Jeremiah Johnson

Kent is currently serving as the Wolf den leader, the very den Brandt has been in, though not anymore because he turned nine at the beginning of the month.  Today the two of them went to day camp at Camp Jeremiah Johnson.  Brandt has been looking forward to it for weeks and weeks, counting down the days.  It didn't disappoint.  From here on out, I will have Brandt tell us about what they did.

On their way.

"We pushed handcarts, just like the pioneers.  We went up a hill and down a hill.  We had to go slow down the hill.  I was a cheerleader yelling, 'Go! Go! Go!' and I pushed from the back."

"We did BBguns.  Last year there were concrete blocks that made a little castle.  There were holes and they put cans in there.  This year, we shot cans and bottles hanging from little wires.  I'm a good shot.  We also learned what the parts of a gun are, and we weared goggles so if a bb bounced back, it wouldn't hit us in the eye."

"We practiced throwing out life preservers and pulling stuff in with big things.  We were just standing on the ground and we had to toss it out and pull it back in."

"I was in the front of our boat.  Izaiah was behind me.  There was another dude in the back putting his paddle in the water and it would make us turn.  We rowed.  I said, 'One, two, three, row!'  We played boat tag and you had to bump each other's boats to make them it."

"Arrows were pretty fun.  Before arrows we had lunch.  We had to shoot targets and after we had all shotten, we went out there to get our arrows."
"This is closing ceremony.  That's it."

This is a picture of Kent taking a picture for someone else.  Brandt must had been holding the camera and decided to take a picture (or lots) because there were about 16 pictures of Kent holding up his hand like this, and another six of him walking back towards Brandt.  I haven't bothered to include all of those.  All in all, it was a great day.  Brandt returned filthy, smelling like a dirty little boy, so I know it was a success.

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