Monday, July 27, 2015

A Crafty Afternoon

Most of the time when I try to do something clever I've seen on Pinterest, I fail.  I'm not very crafty.  Today the kids begged me to do a craft, and fortunately, I had not one, but two things we could do.  As far as the children were concerned, both turned out great.  I saw one fail and one success.

First off, we did a craft with pony beads.  We were supposed to be making sun catchers, but I failed to notice that I was supposed to buy translucent pony beads and bought opaque ones instead.  We went ahead and did the craft, and the kids thought it was great.  They arranged pony beads in patterns in our muffin tins, then we melted them in the oven.  They came out little disks instead of little sun catchers, being at that you couldn't see through them.  But Brandt and Blythe didn't care a bit and carted them off happily.  Score one for the mom?

Intently working on their designs.

This is what they were supposed to look like,
and this is how they turned out.

Not see through.
Pinterest fail.

Our second "crafty" activity was to make giant bubbles.  This was much more successful.  While it was a bit tricky to get the bubbles to blow, when the wind caught it just right, we had really big bubbles.  This also held the children's attention for a long time.  Hooray for summertime activities.

I took about 150 pictures of this bubble activity.  Many are of one of us holding our stringed sticks out with no bubbles in them, so those all got deleted.  And many of them are below.  I'm paring down for posterity's sake, because really, how many pictures of giant bubbles does one need?





While we were outside, my neighbor Mary walked by and chatted with us.
She offered to take a picture of all three of us.




Check out that concentration!

I caught the teasing pop just before pop.





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