Monday, July 6, 2015

Brandt Turns Nine

Nice years old.  I can't believe Brandt is actually nine.  It seems like such a short time ago we were bringing him home from the hospital, but also like lots of time has passed.  I guess that's the way with life.  We are certainly glad we did bring Brandt home from the hospital.  He is a wonderful boy.  He is so kind-hearted.  He wants to be good and choose the right.  He is funny and smart and can work hard when he puts his mind to it.  He is handsome and sometimes brave, confident around his peers and still a bit shy around adults he doesn't know.  He loves Legos, reading, swimming, riding his bike, watching TV, snuggling and little kisses, playing with his cousins and neighbor friends, going on adventures, traveling, and teasing.  He is simply our best boy and we are blessed to have him.

Unlike Blythe who had been planning her birthday down to the last detail, Brandt told me he wanted to go to Hang Time and jump around, like ninjas, and have chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles.  After all the work of Blythe's birthday, I was thrilled to get off so easily.  I invited cousins plus Jarom and Sam Oyler, Izaiah Wilson, and Dawn, McKenna, and Grayson yesterday afternoon (I'm so spontaneous!) to join us at Hang Time, and I ordered Brandt's cake this morning.  I did do birthday shopping before hand, but I didn't wrap anything until this morning either.  I don't think Brandt would have cared one bit to just have his stuff handed to him, but I like watching him open the packages.  From us he got three Lego sets (all Star Wars Rebels), black flip flops (the pair we bought three weeks ago came apart), an air mattress for the pool (just like Blythe got, only green instead of pink), and a book (My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish).  He put two of the Lego sets together before we went to Hang Time, and spent the late afternoon/early evening putting together the third.

Brandt was quick to point out, throughout the day, that it was his birthday, so things had to go his way.  He got to push the cart, he got to have his chocolate chip waffle first, the got to ride up front, he got to pick the story first.  Everything we ate was his choice--chocolate chip waffles for breakfast, Panda for lunch, cornbread for dinner--and if there was a question about what to do, we had to defer to Brandt.

Is he looking old to you?
Not old as much as more mature.
He's looking old to me.

First thing Brandt said to me this morning?
"Mom! Where are my presents?  Bring me my presents?"

The haul.

As soon as presents were opened, 
Brandt launched right into building.

Hang Time was a zoo.  We were not the only ones who had the idea to go jump around in an air conditioned building on a hot July afternoon.  And while we couldn't keep track of people very well, everyone seemed to run past the adults with some regularity, so no one got lost.  The boys played dodgeball when it was 12 and under time.  It was pretty crazy.

Brandt in action. 

Blythe too. 

Izaiah climbing. 

McKenna swinging.

Collin and Donovan.
They ran around together the whole time, inseparable.


Brandt was trying to cross the cord.
He made it only as far as he could hold on the support bar.
Then he fell off.

"Happy birthday dear Brandt . . . "

He blew them all out and will get his wish, whatever it was.
If I were to guess, I would say he wished for six more Lego sets.

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