Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Pet That I Want

Since the beginning of the school year, Blythe has been reading really well.  We are supposed to do 15 minutes of reading each day, and in first grade, I don't think they care if the parent is doing the reading.  Blythe had begun bringing home books she is to read every day, but they are pretty easy, so we've been having her read to us 15 minutes, books we have at home.  

This past week, Blythe read to me, The Pet That I Want.  At the end, there are several pages of activities, one of which is above, titled "The Pet For You."  I asked her the question at the bottom of the page, "If you could choose one of these pets, which would it be?" and her answers were so funny I had to include them here.  She began with the giraffe and went around the page, giving her reasons why that was not the animal for her.

Giraffe: We couldn't have a giraffe as a pet because "it would be too hard to put on a collar and walk him."
Mouse:  We couldn't have a mouse because "there are no holes in our walls."
Bunny:  We couldn't have a bunny because "Brandt would chase him and scare him away."
Turtle:  We couldn't have a turtle because "we could get a collar on him, but it would take all night to walk him just around the cul-de-sac."
Dog:  We couldn't have a dog because "it would take too long to train him."
Cat:  We couldn't have a cat because "our DeMartini cousins are allergic to cats."
Bird:  We couldn't have a bird because "Parrots are too loud."
Pig:  We couldn't have a pig because "it is fat and eats slop."
Fish:  "I said no to all the others because we have a fish!"  

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