Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Girls Night Out

This morning I got a call from my friend Ramona who asked if I wanted tickets to a performance of Alice in Wonderland.  A neighbor's daughter goes to a private school (Pre-K through 12) that was putting on the play and the daughter, Arden, as cast as Alice.  I wasn't really at all interested in going.  Ramona, however, is very persuasive.  She had initially asked another family in our ward, the Bradfords, if they wanted to go.  They have two little girls, one in Blythe's class at school, but they just welcomed a baby into the family and Angela was not feeling hot and Brian didn't feel like he should leave her.  So Ramona said to me, "You could go and take Blythe and Lilly and Emma, and that would probably be a really nice thing for Angela and Brian, and I know the little girls would love it."  She pressured me into it with all that talk of noble service.  I caved and agreed to go.

I will now try to be excessively positive about my review of the evening's entertainment.  The show was short, only about 50 minutes.  The music was fun.  The costumes were bright and colorful.  It was short.  The whole school was involved in the show.  It was short.  Arden looks just like Alice.  It was close to our home.  It was short.  The little girls did, indeed, love it.  And because it was short, we were home in time for bed.

Unfortunately, the microphones of those on stage didn't always work, so kids' mouths would be moving but we could hear nothing that was coming out.  It was a school production, so not wonderful, but it was short, so it didn't really matter.  And I was able to perform a wonderful act of service in getting Lilly and Emma out of their parent's hair for a couple of hours.  That's really the way I look at this activity--it was service, not entertainment, at least for me.  At the end, Blythe said, "That wasn't like the movie at all," but the little girls loved it anyway.
Happy play attendees, Emma and Lilly Bradford, and our Miss B

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