Monday, April 14, 2014

Art Buddies

For eight Mondays, Brandt and Blythe have been going to a fun art class at BYU called Art Buddies.  They have done all sorts of interesting and varied art projects under the tutelage of art education majors.  When I first told the kids I had signed them up, I knew that Blythe would be super excited as she loves doing anything artistic, but I was surprised by Brandt's response.  He said, "I don't want to do it."  As I had already paid and we were on our way, I told him he didn't really have a choice at that point.  But I did tell him all the cool things they were going to do that first week, and after describing how they would be painting with objects found in nature, blowing paint to make interesting shapes, mixing colors, and doing other exciting things, he agreed to go.  And when I picked him up, he had had a great time.  "That was so cool!" he reported.  He confessed he thought they were going to be chained to a fence and made to paint.  Yeah sure.  If he was going to be chained up and made to paint a fence anywhere, it would be in our backyard.  Both Brandt and Blythe have loved it the whole time.

Today was the last day and they had an art show of sorts, where parents could come and see their kids work before taking it all home.  They have been super excited to show off their creations, and I must say, I was delighted with their work.  I am going to frame a couple of things so as to show off their talents.  Not only did they get to show us oeuvre, we got a brownie too.  It was such a success, I signed them up for a week of summer art and encouraged their cousins to sign up too.

Proud artists

This was a fun snake that the kids made.
Brandt got to do the head.
I'm not sure what they used, but each part is different.
I couldn't get a good shot of it all together. 

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