Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fools Brownies

Although today is April 1st, there were no real attempts at April fooling at our house until the late afternoon and evening.  Then, the most creative anyone got was to say, "Hey! I see a fill in the blank something ridiculous in the front yard!"  There was a star destroyer, a huge cat, and a buffalo.  Nothing at all convincing. 

I, however, came up with a brilliant fool.  Kent had a church maintenance meeting at seven, and I made brownies, timing their cooking to finish up just before he had to leave.  As the house began to fill with the smell of brownie, I began to chuckle to myself.  I pulled the delicious smelling treats out of the oven as Kent was preparing to go.  "Ooh," he said.  "What are those for?"

"They are for young women tonight," I replied.  (Today is Tuesday and young women is on Wednesday.)

Brandt and Blythe both groaned and protested that I was taking them away, as Kent said, "What?!  How is that going to work?  I've got to leave right now.  Why didn't you tell me?"

To which I smugly replied, "April Fools!"  I got them all.  Kent went off to his meeting and I dished up brownie sundaes for the rest of us.  (Kent had one when he got home.)  While still spooning the last little bits of melted ice cream and brownie crumbs out of her bowl, Blythe said, "Mom, can I have another?  They are glorious!"  And indeed they were.

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