Saturday, April 5, 2014


I love General Conference weekend.  Although I always have stuff to do, I am grateful for time to sit and listen and be fed spiritually.  And physically.  In the past, the Barrus women have gathered while the men were at the priesthood session.  When we were first back in Utah after our marriage, we didn't really have children to worry about, so we went out to eat.  Then, as the number of small people increased, we moved to Kent's parent's house and the women would be together, eat, and then feed the men upon their return.  The past several years, however, it has become a large gathering about 5:00pm, the men eat quickly then go off to their meeting, and the women leisurely visit and then we all share dessert when priesthood is finished.  In October, Lee and Cammie invited us to their house for ribs, smoked in their backyard and slathered with delicious sauce.  This go-round, Lee suggested we have ribs again, but that we do it at our house which can accommodate more people than their house.  So we gathered here.

The children were so excited about having cousins come over.  They are always up for a party and always willing to entertain.  The food was amazing! and the company amusing.  We had ribs (the best I've ever had, smoked with love and care by Lee and Cammie), potatoes, salad, fruit, and cookies for dessert.  In attendance were the Kent and Katherine Barri with Brandt and Blythe (it was at our house, after all), Lee and Cammie and Aaron, Ian and Michelle (Brandon went with his dad), David and Sharon with Josh, Jonathan, Micah, Amy, Becca, and Brandon and Mandi with their Scott, Caleb, and KateLyn as well as Mandi's parents, and Katie with her four Ethan, Lizzie, Ashton and Aiden (twins only a couple weeks old).  The women talked and talked and then played a round of hand and foot.  It was awfully nice to be together.  I think we'll probably do it again in October.

As we waited for people to gather, Brandt and Blythe played with their cousins.
Their big cousins.
They tied both Ian and Aaron up.
The big boys were awfully good sports.
Aaron was even made to wear a princess crown.
How embarrassing!

I meant to take a picture of all the delicious food, but I forgot.
This is all that remains of the oh-so-tasty ribs.

Much of the crew eating.

Brandt, Micah, and Ethan watching us as we played cards.
Actually I think Ethan was trying to convince Brandt and Micah to come away and play with him.
Brandt went but Micah stayed and watched closely enough that when Michelle had to go, he stepped into her place.

On Sunday I invited Mom and Mikayla and Guy to join us for mid-session crepes.  Mom came over and watched the morning session with us and helped us do puzzles, and then stayed for the afternoon session so we could finish the puzzle we had started in the morning.  The crepes were delicious.  The kids ate and ate and ate.  Blythe, our skinny little Blythe, ate six crepes.  SIX!  I don't know where she put them all.

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