Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reality Town

Every year, the 8th graders at Centennial have an activity called "Reality Town."  Based on their GPA and potential work interests, they are given a job, a family size, and a monthly income, and then have to work their way around the lunchroom making decisions about real life choices--what sort of car to buy, how much to spend on clothing and food, health care costs, and how they use disposable income.  It's an activity that is meant to give them a realistic view of how much life costs. 

Brandt was given the job as chemist and did pretty well making good choices.  He had a very high food budget (a true indication of how much our family values food and how much Brandt likes steak), he chose to live in a mobile home, and he selected a reasonable clothing budget.  I sat at the housing table.  I was amazed at how many kids opted to live in their parent's basement with their children in order to save money or because their assigned job didn't make enough money.  I fear somewhat for the rising generation, and their parents.  It was fun to see Brandt's classmates that I know, and to see Brandt interacting with his peers.  I was glad I could be there to help.

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