Thursday, November 7, 2019


Mikayla and I ran some errands today.  We went to the grocery store and to Costco, and we were racing home to pick up Brick from school.  Early out today.  We were nearing home when suddenly, the car just died.  We were on the hill of 2230 North between 200 West and University Parkway, and came to a stop.  Mikayla tried several times to start the car again, but all to no avail.  We realized almost simultaneously that the car was out of gas.  Mikayla put her flashers on and I leapt out to push the car backwards towards 200 West. Pushing it uphill certainly wasn't an option.  Although we were only 20 or so yards from the corner, we were nearly hit four times by drivers not paying adequate attention.  We pushed the car around the corner to 200 West and tried to figure out what to do.  Again, we were nearly hit by cars not seeing her flashers on.  We decided to push the car to the Rock Canyon Bank on the corner, and were assisted by a very kind man who leapt out of his car and helped me push while Mikayla steered.  Kent wasn't home to come rescue us, so Mikayla called Christopher who said he would come quickly.  Cora and Kal were antsy and we were going to be late getting Brick, so I started walking towards Rock Canyon with the kids.  We were slow and Christopher was fast, so Mikayla got back to her house about the same time we did.  In fact, she beat us, even though we only had to walk four-ish blocks.  Blythe got Brick, so all was well in the end.

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