Saturday, November 2, 2019

Cooking Merit Badge Finale

Brandt has one, and one only, last merit badge to complete.  We've been trying to get him all finished by the end of the year, but we haven't done his eagle project proposal yet, so it probably won't happen.  But the cooking merit badge we could finish up, and today was the day.  The only part Brandt had left to do was the cooking while hiking section.  He had to come up with several meals, do the menus, and shop, then prepare two meals and a snack while hiking.  There was no specification that the meals had to be prepared at two separate times, or how long or far the hike had to be, so we decided to do it all today, all in one go, in a hike up Rock Canyon.  The meal preparation was supposed to be done with more than one person, so Brandt invited Paul Moreland to join us. 

Our "hike" up Rock Canyon didn't even take us to the gate; we probably went a quarter of a mile.  We went off the trail into a small gully that would be full of water in a high water year.  Brandt had opted to make breakfast and lunch with a snack of dry brownie mix mixed with water.  On a portable camp stove with a small bottle of propane, Brandt made cowboy toast and bacon for breakfast, then handed out cheese, salami, and crackers with a small bag of carrots, all packed before we left, for lunch.  We mixed up the brownie stuff which I thought was fairly unappetizing, but which Brandt and Paul thought was terrific.  Then we "hiked" back.  It was about sixty minutes start to finish, and I was pleased as punch to have it all done. 
Now, onward to eagle project!

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