Saturday, August 10, 2019

Saturday Activities

It was a busy day!  Some Saturdays are like that, and today was one of them.

Early, Brandt went shooting with Guy, Blake, and Luke.  They drove out to Spanish Fork Canyon with several different guns, lots of ammo, and ear protection.  Kent and I both gave Guy a stern warning about being safe, and he gave an an equally stern assurance that he would be smart and make sure everyone came home unscathed.  He sent me pictures after they had done with shooting, and Brandt reported what a good time it was.  He can hardly wait to go again, sometime.  Anytime!

In the early afternoon, Brandt had the opportunity to do a bit of sailing with the 11-year-old scouts, his former troop.  It was organized by Casio Deccio, who was his former leader.  Brandt got a short lesson on how to do it from Jim Daniels, the boat owner.  He told them, "Just have fun!"  It was two people per boat, because Brother Daniels said you couldn't do it by yourself.  Brandt sailed with Hyrum Deccio.  They had been sailing, working the steering and sail, and moving around the bay.  As they started to head back, the boat stopped moving.  They were changing direction of the sail, trying to do all sorts of stuff, and then Brandt thought they must be stuck.  He hopped out of the boat to give it a push, but he had no traction because the water was deep.  He was pushing while swimming, and then a gust of wind came up.  The boat was not stuck at all, and sailed away from him.  He yelled at Hyrum who seemed to be pretty good all by himself.  Brandt swam after him and did catch up when the wind died down again.  He followed Brother Daniel's advice and had fun.

While Brandt had manly activities, Blythe and I had a girly activity.  In company with Grandma Sue, Tysen and Ava, Sharae and Makenna, and Mikayla, we went to see Cinderella at the Hale Center Theater in Sandy.  It was a musical, with lovely costumes, beautiful singing, and fun costumes.  We drove up together, talking and laughing, saw the play, then went to lunner at Cheesecake Factory.  Good food following a good time.  It was great to have a girls only activity, and be with sisters and cousins.

Blythe had shorts on before we left and I asked her to change.
"We're going to a performance.  You need to look a little nicer," I said.
Then everyone was in shorts/pants when we got picked up, and Blythe was irritated with me.
I think she looks so cute, however.

She's especially cute with a napkin wrapped around her head.

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