Thursday, August 15, 2019

First Day of School

School started today.  We are always so sad to see summer come to an end, and we are equally happy to see school start.  The kids like being at school, they tend to like their teachers and classmates, and we all do a bit better when we've got a schedule, responsibilities, and less time to sit mindlessly in front of the television.  

Yesterday, we prepared for the new start.  Brandt and I went over to Centennial to wander around, find his rooms, meet his teachers, and help him feel like he knew where he would be going.  As this is his second year, he's confident in making his way around, and even knows some of his teachers from last year.  He met up with David Harrison, and they talked as we moved from room to room.

Blythe made fairly intense preparations.  She had a shower, selected her outfit, packed her school supplies, and painted her fingernails.  She's been a bit nervous about starting sixth grade, not sure if she'll like her teacher, and sad that Lilly Bradford and Ellen Mason, her two besties, are not in her class.  But her friend Addie Lepinski is, so she won't be all alone, and the classes intermingle lots and lots.  She insisted on lights out at 9:02pm, a first for the past 82 nights, and a welcome change from 10:00pm bedtimes. 

This morning went smoothly.  Brandt headed off to school, trombone in hand (he's got band A day, first period), wearing his new Centennial shirt, with a bit of a swagger in his step.  He was early, as always.  He's a boy who likes to be there (wherever "there" is) well before start time.  

Blythe also got out the door in plenty of time, heading around the corner to meet the Bradfords to walk to school.  Her backpack was full of new school supplies, and her heart was full of excitement to be top dog in elementary school.  Here's to a new school year!

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