Thursday, August 8, 2019

Horseback Riding

This evening, Grandma Dawn collected the children and took them horseback riding with Aunt Goose.  Dawn has her grandson Cash and his sister Elise with her this week, and so it was a cousin outing.  As I was not there, I am relying upon the children to give me a report.

Here's what Brandt has to say:
It was good.  When we got there, I helped Grandma Dawn get my clothes on everyone.  (As a side note, I had given Dawn three large bags of Brandt's clothes that he had grown out of for Grayson.  The weather turned cold, it was windy and wet, and no one had anything warm to wear.  They all found an article of Brandt's clothing to keep the chill off.)  While everyone went to brush the horses, me and Grayson saw Goose's dogs that she is selling for $875/dog.  Then Cash hopped on the small pony while McKenna led him around.  I walked beside him to make sure he didn't fall off.  Elise and Grayson hopped on Charlie, the big horse.  When they were done, I got on Charlie.  I had only been on a horse once before, and I liked it.  It was fun.  I rode around the ring slowly at first, then quick.  When I got off, I went to see the dogs again.  Grandma Dawn swore.  Grayson was on her doo-doo list. (I don't know what that's about, but Brandt felt it was a pertinent bit of information.)  
Here is Blythe's report:
I was scared of the horses so I didn't get on, but I helped brush them down.  I sat on the fence and watched.  I played with the dogs, too. 
Maybe Blythe will get on next time.  Grandma Dawn lent Brandt and Blythe a pair of boots so they wouldn't get muck in their shoes, and she took them for ice cream on their way home.  They had a great time and Dawn took cute pictures.

McKenna, Grayson, Dawn, Elise, Brandt, Cash
All wearing Brandt's clothing.

Brandt keeping Cash on the horse.

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