Sunday, July 21, 2019

Noteworthy Sunday

I had a hard time coming up with a title for this post.  It's about Blythe singing in church, and ice cream, neither of which have anything to do with each other, so no common theme, except that it's Sunday and both things happened today. 

Last week, Elizabeth Cutler asked Blythe if she would be willing to sing a pioneer related song or two in honor of Pioneer Day which is on Wednesday.  She agreed.  We tried to round up a few other children to sing with her, and today they performed.  The group was small: Blythe, Ellen Mason, Emma Bradford, Eve Swenson, and Mia Thornock.  But though they were few in number, they sounded beautiful and added a sweet spirit to the meeting.  When Blythe sat down after singing, she said, "I'm never doing that again.  You can't make me."  I pointed out that I hadn't made her sing in the first place, it was her choice to do it, and if she didn't want to do it again, that was up to her.  Why is it always my fault?

The second thing about today is that it's National Ice Cream Day.  That's a celebration I can certainly get behind, and it turns out, we had left over homemade ice cream from the Fourth of July just sitting in the freezer waiting to be eaten.

We obliged.

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