Monday, March 25, 2019

Very Small Visitors

Both Mom and Mikayla scheduled hair cuts today.  The guy who cuts their hair, Rich, has a salon in Heber, so they often go together.  Thing is, though, if they both go, at the same time, that leaves me alone with five children.  Mikayla is often alone with five children, but they are hers and she seems better equipped to handle them.  Or younger, at least.  Anyway, I agreed to watch the little people, minus Brick who was at school, but I enlisted the help of my friend, Linda Pugmire.  She has four granddaughters, but they live in Texas and she doesn't get to snuggle them very often.  So to tempt her into joining me, I told her she could come hold a baby for three hours straight.  As there are two babies, that was a promise I could make.  She readily agreed, and so this morning, Linda and I hung out with Cora, Kal, Freya, and Thea.  Cora and Kal ran around tearing things apart as they usually do, Linda held a baby (one or the other) for three hours straight, and I held a baby, tried to maintain some sense of order, and entertained Cora and Kal.  It was wild pandemonium, as it is most days at Mikayla's.

 I swaddled one of the babies and Cora wanted me to do the same to her.
I wrapped her up in the blanket the girls were doing tummy time on. 
She's as cute a little burrito as Freya and Thea.

Cora with a magic noodle on her nose.
It's a foamy noodle you can wet and stick to other foamy noodles.
Or to your nose, if you'd prefer. 
Linda and Kal in the background.

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