Friday, March 8, 2019

A Sickie

Last Thursday evening, Brandt complained that he was sort of feeling sick.  We gave him some ibuprofen and suggested that maybe he should stay home from school the next day and not attend a scout overnighter on Friday.  He really wanted to go, and we said we'd see how it went.  Friday morning he went off to school, saying he felt fine, and then went to the camp out, too.  

Saturday morning Brandt had powwow at BYU, and came home early from the campout.  He looked awful.  He was clearly sick and shouldn't have been going anywhere but bed, but he needed to get to powwow and start the three merit badges he was signed up to do, so off he went.  He came home absolutely knackered, and collapsed on the couch.  There he stayed the rest of the day, watching TV and napping on and off.  He was clearly not well.  

Sunday morning he was no better, and I came home from church after sacrament meeting to be with him.  He had a fever, a cough, a runny nose, general body aches, and was lethargic, leaving me to think it was a bit more serious than a cold.  When his fever was nearly 102 on Monday, I took him to the doctor.  Sadly, he was diagnosed with Influenza A.  The doctor gave us a note excusing him from school for the whole week, and said he would likely feel crummy that whole time.

We hunkered down for the duration, knowing we needed to keep Brandt hydrated, the fever under control, and him and his germs away from others, especially Mikayla's little people.  While I spent a bit of time there this week, I've tried to stay home and take care of Brandt so as not to spread around contagion, and because my boy has needed me to be with him for snuggles.  I'm very behind in Marvel movies, the final one is coming out in May, and so we decided to have something of a Marvel movie marathon.  Brandt has watched other movies, too.  Quite a few other movies.  Through this week, because Brandt has essentially been on the couch all week long, he's watched Captain America, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Hulk, Indiana Jones 1, 2, and 3, the first and second Mummy, several episodes of Death in Paradise, Phineas and Ferb, Star Wars Rebels and Stars Wars Resistance, and one day he binge watched about seven episodes of Flash on Netflix.  That's a lot of TV!!

I hate it when the children are sick, and we hope that Brandt will feel better soon.


Monday trip to the doctor.

Wednesday couch time.

Friday, still not feeling swell.

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