Monday, March 4, 2019

A Crush

Don't tell Blythe I've posted this note I found.  It was folded up on the table next to the couch, and I opened it to see if it needed to be thrown away.  There are so many things I love about this, I couldn't throw it away and felt that I must keep it for posterity sake.  Thing is, if she knew I was putting it on the blog, she would die of embarrassment.  I am posting it months late in the hope that no one will really see it, but it will be there when I need to make our blog book.  I want her children to have some record of this.  Here is what I love:
  1. She assumes that Dallin is getting "love notes" regularly because he is so great.
  2. She likes Dallin because is his "smart, kind, funny, and cute."  I don't know if she put these in order of importance, but I appreciate that she likes him first because he is smart and kind before he is funny and cute.  She's seeing the inside part of him, not just the outside.
  3. Clearly Dallin didn't "distroy" this letter, so he must never have seen it.  What a shame.  
  4. I love the afterthought of "or parents."  We don't want parents knowing anything about our crushes.
  5. This note is from Blythe and Lilly.  How does that work?  What if Dallin felt similarly towards Blythe or Lilly.  Who would he send the note to?  Who would be his main squeeze?  Is he man enough to handle two girls at one time?  Let me answer that for you right here.  He's not.  Blythe is a force to be reckoned with all on her own, and with Lilly in tow, they can be out of control.
I must say, I love young love.  I remember being somewhat boy crazy in fifth and sixth grade, so I get it.  Having a crush is so tingly and exciting.  But I must also say, that better be as far as it goes for Blythe for years to come!

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