Friday, May 25, 2018

Last Day of School

It's hard to believe, but the 2017-18 school year is at an end.  Brandt and Blythe made it.  Not only that, they've had a marvelous time, and done super fun things.  Neither of them is really glad that school is over, even though summer means freedom and playing and no homework.  All the pluses of school outweigh homework.

Blythe's favorite parts of fourth grade are:  science days, art (which Mrs. Harrington did a lot of), music, and Mrs. Harrington in general.  She was a kind and funny teacher who saw Blythe's potential and was very patient with her.  

Brandt's favorite parts of sixth grade are:  Medieval Feast, swimming just before school got out, STEM Fair, planetarium field trip, Egyptian Day, Greek plays, technology, science, and social studies.  He liked language arts, even though he said he wasn't very good at it.  He loved Mrs. Neilson and will miss her.

In a text to Brenda, I reported the day's activity like this.
Hey Brenda! It's a great day. Last day of school for the kids. Brandt had a sweet graduation program. He was the head color guard person and wore his scout uniform. He led us all in the pledge of allegiance. He also got to introduce the keynote speaker who was me. I only cried when they sang a song, at the conclusion of my talk, watching the slide show, and hugging Brandt's teacher. We are having celebratory pizza lunch then collecting Blythe and going for frozen yogurt. We're seeing Solo this afternoon with friends. Sadly, school is a wrap. Neither of the kids are happy about it. It's been a wonderful year for both of them.
This evening, Brandt was invited to go hang out at David Harrison's house.  He took several math books to burn, they roasted marshmallows, and generally feted the end of school by running about wildly.  David's father sent me pictures!

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