Monday, February 19, 2018

President's Day Sledding

It snowed during the night.  Lots of snow!  Inches!  Finally!!  This is the first significant snow we've had all winter.  Today the kids don't go to school, so I suggested we go sledding first thing.  Both Brandt and Blythe were keen to go, and I called Mikayla to ask they wanted to join us, too.  Cora hates sledding, Kal would likely hate sledding, but Brick loves it, so we took him and left Mikayla and the others home. 

Rock Canyon Park was busy, but we were able to sled in our favorite spot.  It wasn't too, too cold, and we had a good time.  We did a train several times, made snow angels, and went down and up lots of times.  Brick was good about climbing up himself, proudly calling out each time he made it to the top, "I win!!"  He went down once with me on the front of the sled, but he got a face-ful of snow, and then insisted on being in the rear all the rest of the times.  He couldn't see as well, but he also didn't have a frozen face.  We lasted about 45 minutes, then came home for hot chocolate. 

Hoorah for snow!

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