Friday, February 16, 2018

Field Trip Friday #87--Pop-Up Art

I got word of a great exhibit of pop-up art at the Provo City Library, so today, for Field Trip Friday, we went to see it and check out some books.  Blythe wanted me to buy a book through book orders, but it was more than I wanted to spend and I was fairly certain that the Provo library would have it, even if the school library didn't.

The exhibit was cool.  They had proof pages from a number of different books, then actual pop-up pages from those books.  There were some pages that you could see flat, then the mock-up, then the actual page.  I'm amazed at how technically savvy a pop-up artist has to be, figuring out small pieces that fit together to make a larger something.  There was a little quiz the kids could take for a prize, and they meticulously read each panel to make sure they didn't miss anything.  Kids will do a lot of a Starburst or two.

We checked out lots of books and lots of movies, and came away with a basket-full of good reads and watches, I suppose.

I wanted a decent picture of the children, but they were not cooperating.
So I said, "Look as bored as humanly possible."
Not too bad.

The stack of books Blythe checked out.
Do you think she can read them all in three weeks?
I do.
As I think about it, I'm fairly confident that Brandt didn't check out a single one.
He played a computer game the whole time we were in the children's section.

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