Thursday, July 7, 2016

Dripping Rock

For our day's activity today, after Blythe had two cavities filled at the dentist (her first two), we went on a short "hike" to Dripping Rock in Spanish Fork.  I almost don't want to call it a hike because the path to the dripping rock is all paved and absolutely flat.  You don't really hike to get to it, you stroll.  In fast, you could very easily take a stroller along with you and push it the whole way, all half mile of it.

However!  The children did not want to go hiking today, complained all about doing it all morning, but when we got there and started, were both very happy to be out and doing.  And when the hike wasn't really a hike, they were even more pleased.  We walked all the way to the end of the trail, passing what someone said was Dripping Rock but didn't look exactly like it had in the neighbor's picture I saw.  So when we got to the end and hadn't actually seen what we were looking for, I suggested we hike back down the river.  It was a hot day, the water wasn't too cold, and the kids like to be in the water.  That improved the mood even further and we all got comfortably wet from the knees down.  Except for me.  I got uncomfortably wet from the hips down when I stepped badly and went in.  I saved the phone from submersion (yeah me!) and we continued on.  Really, it wasn't bad.

We did come upon Dripping Rock, right where I had said, "I don't think this is it."  We wandered around and under the drips, got nice and cool, and had a marvelous time.  We strolled back along the trail and were mostly dry by the time we got to the car.  It was just enough of a diversion to be entertaining but not so strenuous that I had any whiners.  We might go again!

Actually, right here, I'm going to whine.  I didn't take my big camera, thinking I could rely on my phone camera to take decent pictures outside.  It takes lousy pictures inside, but I thought I would be okay outside.  I wasn't.  The pictures are bad and I'm irritated that I didn't make the effort to bring the big one and haul it around.  It's heavy and bulky compared to the phone, but I am always so pleased with the results.  It might be for that reason alone that we go back.

I'm not sure you can tell, but I'm wet up to my bum.




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