Saturday, June 4, 2016

Little Red Riding Hood 2016

This morning was Little Red Riding Hood.  It was a marvelous day!  I just love riding my bike, and I love riding with friends.  This year I got to ride with lots of women: Janie Rasmussen, Eva Fisher, Stephanie Magleby, Andrea Blad, her sister-in-law Nicole, and Janie's friend Jessica.  We had been riding together over the past several weeks, trying to get ready for our 50 mile ride today, and we were strong.  We were joined by a woman who was riding alone, so we were eight riders.  By taking turns drafting, we were able to average almost 19 miles an hour and complete our mileage in really good time without being wiped out.  We talked and biked and enjoyed the sun and scenery, and at the end of the ride, I couldn't have been happier at the way it turned out.  I told Kent earlier in the week that I was a bit worried about being able to ride the full 50 and feel good and keep up, but I felt strong and grateful for my body that does all I want it to do.

I did have an incredibly frightening experience.  At maybe mile 40 or so, there is a very long, steep hill.  I have ridden down this hill in the past, and I've always gone really, really fast.  Like 40 mph.  It's very exhilarating.  This year, as I came down, I wasn't really braking and half-way down, my front wheel began to vibrate back and forth.  It felt like it was going to come off the frame.  It was very hard to control the bike and I sort of freaked out mentally.  Going that fast, if I were to crash, it could be all over.  I didn't want to die at Little Red knowing Kent would be really mad at me.  I wasn't sure what was happening, but I applied the brakes as hard as I dared, pressed my legs against the frame and held on, hoping I would slow down enough to gain control before I was thrown off the bike.  When I got to the bottom and actually freaked out, Jessica asked what happened.  I had no idea, but Stephanie did.  She told me I was going fast enough that the sound waves equaled those made by the road and I had resonance.  That's what caused the shaking.  I can say with firm resolve that I am never going to do a descent like that again as I value my life more than speed.

I wanted to take lots of pictures, but unfortunately, I forgot my charger and the phone died.  I couldn't call, I couldn't text, I couldn't take a picture.  Fortunately, my participation was documented by others.  Here's hoping we all get in next year so we can do it again!

Me, Jessica, Stephanie, Eva
Nicole, Andrea, Janie

Jessica, Janie, me, Nicole, Andrea, Eva
 On our way to Lewiston to ride.

Same group but with Stephanie next to Janie

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