I have determined that Halloween is not nearly as exciting when you have big kids. I worked today. Kent worked today. The children went to school. We did have our annual hot dog party at the Davis's and I provided the fixings for root beer which Mikayla made on our behalf. I dropped that off right after work.
I went around with Mikayla's children trick-or-treating as she recently had surgery and couldn't walk. They ran and ran and trick-or-treated and had a glorious time. We all enjoyed a hot dog and Guy met up with us partway through the neighborhood. Brick was trick-or-treating with friends, so I just had Cora and Kal and Freya and Thea. We got to a point where Cora and Thea wanted to continue with Guy but Kal and Freya were done. We turned for home and they sifted through and ate lots of candy. It was fun to see the excitement on their face of Halloween. It was fun to visit with our neighbors as well over at the Davis's and to eat a hot dog and have root beer.
Blurry Frozen 2 Elsa running from door to door.