Tuesday, October 31, 2023


I have determined that Halloween is not nearly as exciting when you have big kids. I worked today. Kent worked today. The children went to school. We did have our annual hot dog party at the Davis's and I provided the fixings for root beer which Mikayla made on our behalf. I dropped that off right after work. 

I went around with Mikayla's children trick-or-treating as she recently had surgery and couldn't walk. They ran and ran and trick-or-treated and had a glorious time. We all enjoyed a hot dog and Guy met up with us partway through the neighborhood. Brick was trick-or-treating with friends, so I just had Cora and Kal and Freya and Thea. We got to a point where Cora and Thea wanted to continue with Guy but Kal and Freya were done. We turned for home and they sifted through and ate lots of candy. It was fun to see the excitement on their face of Halloween. It was fun to visit with our neighbors as well over at the Davis's and to eat a hot dog and have root beer.

Blurry Frozen 2 Elsa running from door to door.

Deflated dinosaur rider.
He didn't let that slow him down.

Frozen Elsa and Princess Peach

Saturday, October 28, 2023


Brenda has been inviting Isabella to go and do new and interesting things they have never done before. This evening, Brenda took Isabella to the ballet, Dracula. It was in Salt Lake at the Capital Theater. Here is Isabella's report about the evening's activities.

It was fun. The Capital Theater was very big and fancy and I enjoyed going around and exploring. We had good seats, and the sets were amazing as well as their light, sound, and spot technicians. The dancers did a great job as well and were very expressive. I especially loved the end when Dracula flew up into a chandelier and 'exploded' (fireworks) as he died. It was a super cool visual moment and the entire audience gasped. Overall, very fun :) 

DeMartini Halloween Party

A couple of weeks ago, Bryan asked if we were going to have a family Halloween party. We hadn't planned on it, but we're always up for a party, so yes!

Bryan made a huge pot of chili, I rooted around in the basement for Halloween decorations, and we all gathered at Mom's house for fun. I had the kids help me put up some decorations, small things on the mantle and on the table with streamers over the kitchen. Mikayla brought a couple of games, and I did too. I brought the rhymer game and had the kids try to find things that rhymed like "chain on a frame," "hook on a book," "ants on the plants," "bug on the rug." It was trickier than I thought it would be, especially for the little kids. Mikayla brought "pin the spider on the spider web," "Halloween cup pong," and "make a mummy" with big and small people participating. Mikayla brought a jar of candy and had everyone guess how many pieces they thought were in it. Rowan won. We had the chili, veggies with bugs, and witch's brew. We frosted, then rapidly ate, sugar cookies. The kids all came in their costumes, and we had a wonderful time being together.

ENORMOUS pot of chili that could feed 
four times as many people as we were.

ROCKING the House


I wish this picture had sound. I wish I could figure out how to get video onto my blog. Brandt could probably help me and maybe I'll have him do that. But in the meantime, just image those six speakers blasting Black Eyed Peas song "I Gotta Feelin'." Although all this sound equipment is in the basement, the house is literally ROCKING as Brandt plays music. He's working on his DJing skills, blending, moving from one song to the next, and the music rumbles and rocks. It's so fun to see and hear his progress.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Last Day Biking 2023

I thought last week was the last day I would bike with Maureen for the season, but then the weather looked like it would be good today. Maybe "good" is a bit of an overstatement, but it would be warm enough anyway to be out for a ride. Maureen and I launched out together and it wasn't too long before we realized we had made a terrible mistake. We flew down 9th East but about part way down, began to feel a little sprinkle of rain. As we turned on to 300 South, it began to actually rain. By the time we were at 200 East, it was pouring rain. We turned north for home at 200 West and slogged home in a downpour with a fiercely blowing wind. There were a couple of times I felt like I was going to be blown off my bike. Maureen and I laughed at ourselves for being so silly, but also congratulated ourselves on a long outdoor biking season. Now I'm going to attach the bike to the trainer and try to be a diligent rider through the winter.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Terror in the Mall

Brandt had a fun gig tonight with Pink Bird. For several years, Pink Bird has sponsored Terror in the Mall, a huge dance in the Provo Town Center Mall. There are two stages, lots of laser lights, loud loud music, live DJs, and general pandemonium. Brandt got to be involved in everything, helping with set up, sound engineering, and strike. It was lots and lots of hard work, late and early morning hours, but a whole lot of party fun. He liked it. He's a hard worker and willing to do whatever he's asked to do. Here are some pictures from set up to clean up.

Brandt drinking a Monster to stay awake.

Backstage supporting the DJ

During the show. Not the best picture.
The next six pictures are pilfered from The Tribe's Instagram.
They give one the sense of how many thousands of people were at the party.

Brandt helped install all those lighted sticks.

Brandt is almost pictured here. 
He was right next to the blue-lit guys.

But ah! Here he is!
He's the black blob hunched over an iPad.

Did I mention the thousands of people who were in attendance?

General mess post party.