Friday, October 25, 2019

Reluctant to go Home

Cora and Kal were hanging out with me this afternoon.  It was a lovely afternoon, so we walked over to pick up Brick from school.  Brick and Cora were keen to walk home with Blythe and set off with her and the Bradfords.  Kal, on the other hand, was keen to play outside on the equipment.  I was happy to let him play, so we hung out on the kindergarten playground a bit, then on the big playground.  Kal wanted me to help him climb up to the top so he could go down the slide, then wanted me to go down with him.  We had to go over and over.  Eventually, I did have to go home, but Kal didn't want to go.  I picked him up and carried him for a bit, but he's heavy and I didn't want to carry all the way home.  I put him down and he just sat down on the ground, unwilling to move.  The pill!  I walked a bit further and encouraged him to come, but he wouldn't.  I sat down on the ground, too, and that intrigued him.  He came over to me and we made a bit of progress.  I held his hand and he walked next to me.  We didn't make it too far, however, before he pulled away from my hand and ran off.  He wouldn't come back, he kept running and running, and I got irritated.  It was too much to chase him and carry him kicking and screaming; I was getting frustrated.  Then I remembered--Kal is not my child!  I don't have to deal with his huge pout.  So I called Mikayla and asked her to come get him and pick up her other kids.  Thea and Freya were sleeping, so she jumped in the car and came and collected them.  I had a lovely, calm walk home in the sunshine, though I had to walk all alone.

What I texted Mikayla:  "A pi-shur for you."

Unwilling to walk any further

"Another pi-shur. He's pouting because I won't carry him."

"He's ok now.  We're making progress towards home.
I had to lie down in the grass myself and then he came over to see what I was doing."

"Spoke to soon.  We're at a sit still again."
This is when I called Mikayla

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